Thứ Tư, 24 tháng 12, 2014

Chocolate Pastry Rolls

          Merry Christmas, I see a lot of posts of cakes and cookies in blogs, even I wanted to try some, but this time I couldn't make. I am yet to bake in my new built-in oven ( got a demo only a couple of days back, after calling the customer care more than 5 times) and then I am going on a trip tomorrow for 10 days. I made these Chocolate Pastry Rolls sometime back with the puff pastry that I had made for our Eggless Baking Challenges, I had stored the puff pastry in the freezer. This is so simple to make, especially if you have ready made puff pastry, it just needs under 30 minutes to make these. They came out really good, with a nice chocolaty taste and coffee flavor, perfect for parties, or as an evening snack along with your coffee or tea..

Need To Have

  • Puff Pastry - I have used 1/3rd of the puff pastry that I had prepared here from 1 cup flour
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons
  • Unsweetened Cocoa Powder - 2 teaspoons
  • Instant Coffee Powder - 1 teaspoon


          Mix the sugar, cocoa powder and instant coffee powder together. Take out the puff pastry from the freezer and keep it out for sometime, then dusting some flour, roll it out.

         Roll it out to about 18 cm x 10 cm rectangle and spread the sugar and cocoa mixture as shown.

          Then tightly roll it into a log and slice it as shown into 8 or 9 pieces and bake it in a greased tray at 190 C for 15 to 18 minutes. The sugar would melt and come out as shown, you can break it and serve, but it tastes good, so I just left it.

I have used organic sugar, you can use castor sugar or regular sugar.
Oven timings vary, so keep an eye after 10 minutes.

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